Become a Matris™ customer:

To gain access to Matris™ we will require the following information from you to prepare your Service Agreement and provide you secure access to the Matris™ clinic portal.

  • Your Company’s legal name.
  • Mailing Address (Once we receive items 1 & 2 on this list, a Service Agreement will be sent to you for signature).
  • A user name for client portal login/access on our website.
  • We will provide you with a password that you should change the first time you login. Click on the “account” button and go to change password.
  • Names of the MDs in your clinic and their contact info just incase our Chief Technology Officer needs to speak to them about an image.
  • Name and contact information of a person(s) within your clinic who will be uploading images to the portal.

Once we receive all of the information outlined above and your signed Service Agreement is returned to us, a 10-minute teleconference will be set up to provide you with your clinic login/access information and a tutorial on how to upload images and retrieve the results.

Connect with Us

Contact us to find out what Matris™ can do for your patients and get enrolled as a Matris™ provider.

Contact Us